The boardmembers of the class are:
Class Manager : Edwin Lodder (and interim President)
Vice-President & Finance: Kenneth van Dam
Technical : Leo Sanchez & Yorick Klipfel
Representative on behalf of the factory: Peter Vink & Wouter Burema
Advisors : Paul Raven (UK) and Guido Aschieri (SUI)
World Council (to be finalized):
Netherlands : Rob Valkenburg (on behalf Dutch High Performance Association)
Belgium : Sebbe Godefroid (coach / representative Belgium)
France : Olivier Bovyn (Vice president FFV )
UK : Roger Cerrato (chaiman UK Class Association)
Switzerland : Guido Aschieri (chairman SUI class association)
Italy : Piergiorgio Muraro (secretary Italian 9er and N15 class)
Hungary : Attila Nagy (president Hungarian Nacra 15 Association)
USA : Wendy Metz (she is rebuilding USA class)
Australia : Craig Fraser (dealer Australia – he is rebuilding the AUS class)
China : Helen Lu (teammanager CHN sailors)
Tahiti : Benjamin Prioux (coach & dealer)
Poland : ?
For more information about the Nacra 15 Class, please contact Edwin Lodder, Nacra 15 Class manager at