Jun 06, 2021
N15 Europeans 100% CONFIRMED
2021 Nacra 15 European Championships, Silvaplana 26th June- 4th July (Race Days 1-4th July).
Reviewing the latest COVID information and current entries the collective Organising Authority is very happy to confirm that your 2021 Nacra 15 European Championships are ON!!
We sincerely thank all of you who have indicated your keen intention to race by entering at: https://www.races.ch/nacra15-european-2021 allowing us to plan accordingly.
We respect that some Nations and specific French areas are still currently requiring quarantine either to enter Switzerland, return from, or both. With this in mind our host Club St Moritz Sailing Club has generously agreed to forego any late entry fee capping entry at CHF400 for all, regardless of when your final decision to travel is made.
Full refund is still available should any National not be able to travel due to restrictions, so do, please enter if that is your intention so we can accurately plan.
The next Swiss Government COVID announcement we understand is to be on the 18th June, we’re optimistic for further good news. Please ensure you research both Swiss regulations and your own National requirements prior to travel as it is your own responsibility to decide if the event is for you.
National Flags are very much part of our class rules. If for whatever reason you are without, Nacra Sailing will again make provision to order sets or individual National Flags to ensure you have no issue measuring. The event will be a fully measured event. Order your Flag sets here ASAP or for individual requirements email:webshop@nacrasailing.com
Should you require any spares over the event period, Local Swiss Dealer H2O Sensations will be on-site from the 26th providing event support, happy to help keep you racing.
It goes without saying that COVID protocol will be in-place throughout the event site, we will issue separate detailed notice. Priority number one is to keep everyone safe on and off the water.
PCR COVID testing is available, conveniently and locally to the event site therefore enabling any required testing for on-wards travel. Again, full, up to date, COVID protocol will be made available before your travel to Silvaplana.
So if you haven’t entered already and are planning to race, do head to the event micro-site to register.
Stay tuned for further updates,
Your race team looks forwards to seeing you in Silvaplana…
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